
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

sweep error "X iterations were required to find the section/rail cp parameter"


why does this error usually occur? what should i look after in order to make the sweep component work?

here's my case:
i have some curves that were projected on a wavy surface. i want to create beams that folow these resulted curves. i used the sweep component with a different rectangle as profile for each curve. the rectangles sit at the start of the curve and are perpendicular to the curve.
the input values are ok, no null components or weird stuff.
i get the "[25-ish] iterations were required to find the section/rail cp parameter" warnings, and nothing appears. it's not a preview thing, i tried baking the component. it's not a quantity thing, i tried using only 3 curves, same eroor(s)

help would be very much appreciated, cheers!

Views: 615

Replies to This Discussion

You're more than welcome to try this definition. I had to sweep dozens of custom cross sections on centerline geometry so I automated the routine. The cross-sections are drawn in plan with a defined centroid (but you could automate that as well).

very useful stuff, thanks a lot!





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