
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I created a Sweep-Object with some parameters and now I have to export it for a simulation in an other program.
The problem is, that it has to be a mesh that is only consisting of quadrangles.
I managed to do that except of the edges (see the attachment).

Could someone give me a hint how I can achieve that?


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I would either bake this to Rhino and then use the smooth command which will separate the vertices Or if you have the latest version of Grasshopper and you are using a mesh then there is a new Smooth Mesh component.

Thanks, but I already tried that.

Smoothing just changes the surface, but not the count of edges of the polygones.

And when I increase the number of uv-division there are more polygones, but the last ones at the edges are always triangles.

You need to make sure "Fix Boundaries" is un-ticked
Could you please tell me where exactly the option is? I can't find something like "Fix Boundaries"

I'm referring to the Rhino Command.

Ah ok, thanks! I was searching in GH.

Hi Gearloose,


maybe there also two other options.

1) You could weld the mesh and then subdivide it with 1 level of Catmull-Clark. It will be for sure made of quads after that. You could use WeaverBird in Grasshopper for that. It's quite simple and the result is in the attached file.

2) Otherwise an alternative might be to restructure the surface to make it actually have 4 sides. That would be a little more complicated. An example is attached.

The two methods do not give the same result, but both are all made of quads.


- Giulio

McNeel Europe


Hi Guilio,


thank you! Both methods look promising.

I tried your 2nd method and it worked well, but I didn't get the first one to work. When I connect my loft wbjoin sais:

"Two consecutive edges, 2 and 0, have the same value (3) at face 23. This topology is invalid. - Sorry, WeaverBird failed to produce a valid mesh"


When I build up the loft with interpolated curves it works, but when I do that in the same way but with the curve-tool (curve from control points) it doesn't.

Is it really important how the loft is created, or am I doing something wrong?

Hi again,

to fix the first error, try putting a Weld Vertices component from MeshEditTools by Uto.
I believe that should fix it.


About the second error, I do not know. Can you post a definition, or change the number of divisions?




- Giulio

McNeel Europe

Sorry, I think I expressed myself incorrectly. The two problems are one :)


I thougt that the error-message depends on how I create the loft. But after a few tests I realized, that there is one point, that causes the error.


Weld Vertices fixed it. Now both of your methods work great. Thank you very much!

Thanks to you I don't have to fix a hundred of meshes by hand :-D








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