
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey i made a surface that is influenced by attractor points. The points influence the colour and the shape of the surface.....however i would like to take this one step further by adding lines to the definition that also influence the surface. Can anyone help me.....I was also hoping that the lines influence could generate holes on the surface (the surface was generated from a grid-perhaps there is a hole on each point of the grid that only appears when the line is close to the surface)....the closer the line is to the surface the bigger the holes-or perhaps the holes size is influenced by the proximity of the line on the surface grid with a slider (this would be better). I hope this makes sense

I understand that the explanation above is a bit vague so i have attached my file with the work done on it so far. It is a surface that a few attractor points that influence the shape and colour gradient of the surface. Hopefully this helps

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ok, to have a line attractor all you need to do is extract the points from the line using "crv cp" component and then treat it as if it is just a point attractor ( i am uploading an example)
for the holes, i guess you could take your deformed surface and use it as the surface input in the definition i uploaded then use "srfGrid" component instead of the "hexGrid" component. this would create the extruded circles on your deformed surface and you could just boolean them out to have the parametric holes on your surface.
( i am sure there is a better way to do this)
use curve closest point for that! ;)






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