
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is what I want to do.


Take a set of lines

divide the lines in two

select the midpoint of each line


I am not sure how the tree system works.  I want to select the second item of each list of points, not the points from the second line in the list of lines.

Views: 1272

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Hope this helps.



Here's the ghx file.



That's it!  Thanks!

thanks for a new way to get it :-)



I made a few weeks ago a list of exatctly what you are looking for. Myself was introduced by Danny to the CurvePoint component. After that I decided to think of how many ways do exist to reach the same result. That is what I love about Grasshopper. :-)


Best Regards




Hi DeDackel,


Be very careful about using domians to find mid points. These two methods:

Will not necessarily return a valid midpoint.

1) Create a Line in Rhino.

2) Reference it in GH with your definition

3) Notice that you get the expected results.

4) Now rebuild the Line in Rhino. Point Count = 5, Degree = 3

5) Still the same results

6) Now show control points in Rhino.

7) Delete the 4th Control Point ie. not the mid point or the two ends but either (not both) of the other two

8) Now you will see a mid domain point biased to one end.

oh, thanks for this hint!

There is no need to use them here. So I will exclude them as a good solution.


Many Thanks Danny


Best Regards



The great thing is that in your description you wrote the pseudocode for the processs:

yeah, thats cool... :-) I am wondering if there are more ways to get the Pt ?


Best Regards



You missed the Evaluate Length Component.

damn, you are right! :-)


Best Regards








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