
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,

I am having troubles getting solids from offseted surfaces.
Would there be any ways to offset surface as solids in GH or with a script component ?

Many thanks,


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Arthur,

do you mean shelling? If yes, then the answer is no. Shelling is not yet available as an SDK function (the command itself is still under a lot of active development) so I cannot access it from Grasshopper.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Hi David,

There is an option in Rhino when offseting a surface which is called "solid" and is very useful to get closed polysurfaces. Is this the same as shelling? i think "shelling" would take into account polysurfaces and boolean everything to make one volume which is even better.

In the example i posted i have offseted two surfaces on each side of a set of surfaces and then extracted their wireframe which i grafted and lofted. I joined the whole thing and hoped i would get individual solids for each box-like members of my grid. Unfortunately the surfaces joined a bit randomly and i didn't manage to get the solids i wanted.

Do you think i could re-organize my surfaces so as to make sure the surfaces defining solids join correctly?

many thanks

Hello Arthur,

There is a 3d direct modelling software called SpaceClaim which has a Rhino3D V4 Plug-In.
I've never used it and don't know anyone yet that does, but I saw a video titled "Rhino SpaceClaim Video" on

Maybe it is helpful to export polysurfaces / B-REP from Rhino to Spaceclaim, then offset them there and then reimport the shell / solid to Rhino.
But I don't know how efficient that would be in terms of workflow.

The development of the Rhino shelling command which David mentioned sounds promissing.


Hi guys...
I have been on the lookout for this as well..
"Shell" in 3dsmax is the same as OffsetSurface - Solid in rhino, so I guess we all concur.
Maybe it could be done as a script component?






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