
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Error even with the example file. Everything seems to be normal

Hi there,

I used gismo two years or so ago and everything worked well, I was planning to use it but I get an error even with the example file.. I have the MapWinGis v4.961 x 64, gismo is peeping and everything but by the time i press the boolean toogle it generates an error as the picture show and i cannot figure out why.

Also don't know where to "load" the OSM map file into the plugin.

Anyone know what is happening?


Views: 513


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Leonardo,

You can't manually download the OSM data. It needs to be downloaded by Gismo's "OSM Shapes" component.
Close Rhino, and try deleting everything from your "C:\gismo\osm_files" folder.
Then run Rhino and Grasshopper again.

hey man, thanks for the reply! I did what you said but keeps giving me the same result..


0. downloadFile_e1: Impossível conectar-se ao servidor remoto
(impossible to connect with remote server)

1. downloadFile_e2: [Errno socket error] [Errno 10013] Foi feita uma tentativa de acesso a um soquete de uma maneira que é proibida pelas permissões de acesso
(it was made a acess attempt to a socket in a prohibited way by the permission acess

2. This component requires OSM data to be downloaded from It has just failed to do that. Try the following two fixes:

1) Sometimes due to large number of requests, the component fails to download the OSM data even if website and their services are up and running.
In this case, wait a couple of seconds and try rerunning the component.

2) Try lowering the "radius_" input.

If each of two mentioned advices fails, open a new topic about this issue on:

i really dont know what is happening

Hi Leonardo,
This error message happens when something on your PC is blocking Gismo in downloading files from internet.
Are you using the same PC as 2 years ago? With the same operating system?
Are you the administrator on that PC?

Close Rhino, and try disabling your windows firewall.
Then run Rhino and Grasshopper and check if you get the same error message.
If yes, turn off Rhino and try pausing your antivirus. Then again check.
If that does not work, try connecting to some other internet connection. It may be that the one you are connected to, has a port blocked, which Gismo is using to download files.

Thanks man it worked well! Is not the same PC and now I have 2 questions:

The trees are not showing the shape of it but its saying is ok on the pannel... didn't baked tho. To do 3d roof and 3d roads i need to download those dll, right, it should be the same for the trees?

Is there anyway to make it more precise? Analising the geometry with the google maps it seems that unfortunatelly some parts are missing.

Hi Leonardo,
I am glad it worked.
Before answering your question, can you tell me which steps you did? Thank you.

I disabled the antivirus, i have a strong one in this PC but i don't really know too much about it

I did all the example steps, Trees, 3d Streets, buildings...


Hi Leonardo,
Thank you for the information about antivirus.

For 3D trees you don't need to download these .dll files.
Only for 3D roads and 3D roofs.

By making it more precise you mean: some 3D buildings are missing?

Can you attach your .gh file?

yes, some buildings are missing!


Thank you.
There is nothing to do about it - Gismo takes its building geometry from openstreetmap. And if nobody added outlines of those buildings to openstreetmap, Gismo will not generate them.

Attached is a screenshot from for that location - it shows an empty parcels.
If you would like to contribute, you can map yourself those building outlines in openstreetmap. Then not only you, but anybody else will be able to use them in both openstreetmap and Gismo. Here is a tutorial.






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