
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

While I'm on a roll here, getting wishes granted...  :-)


I would like to request a 5th input to the Box Center component, a toggle to choose either to build the box centered on the plane or sitting on the plane (i.e. the plane is the bottom of the box).  I find we often want to build boxes by defining the plane on which they sit...  Now I have to add half the box height to the plane Z coordinate.


Perhaps then the component needs to be renamed PlaneBox (PBox) or something... You know, just a "plane" old box...   :-)


Thanks,  --Mitch


Views: 442

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mitch,


this one is already granted I think. You can use the Interval Box to achieve this. If you plug numbers into the interval input, they will automatically convert to 0~X intervals, which make the box start at the plane origin.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

OK, that's cool, I didn't know you could plug just numbers, that's handy...  The "intelligence" of your components is really marvelous!


But (always a but) the box is no longer centered on the origin of the plane, it's "0" corner is now at the origin...  So I (respectfully) maintain my wish...  But, as I often say, feel free to ignore me...  :-)



Ah, ok, you wanted it to be centered on the plane, except in Z. Well, I think I will ignore that request, as it's very specific. I can write you a custom script component that does this (see attached) and you can create a User Object from this script component (also attached).


Just drag the ghuser file into Grasshopper and it should install itself. It will appear only on the dropdown of the Surface Primitive tab.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


OK, thanks David, I appreciate the effort.  This is really not important for my own personal use, I can "bricole" my way through these things with no problem... Again I just thought that it would be useful for users to easily have a bottom plane centered box (the bottom plane representing the "floor" of something), but if you don't get a lot of requests for this, then it's not important.

Cheers,  --Mitch

Mitch, can you send me a photo of what you want, I think I have a very nice solution to your problem. But I need to see that we are talking about the same thing here....






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