
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, how can i do minimal surface like these examples 

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try this

I did my searches already  and i did some experiments already

but what i am looking for is the logic in how to do the examples i show, which is not i google  

Hi there,

what you are looking for is a process called "mesh relaxation". You can implement something equivalent to your pictures using the grasshopper plugins kangaroo together with optionally weaverbird. Check this out:



Try this test def attached (see case4 in particular).

Note: if GH fails to read the internalized data (the norm) use Rhino file (see Levels)

best, Peter


thank you peter, I just see your definition, 

Starling Plugin is amazing, i will study it today 


hi, peter. I'd like to ask you how to change the boundaries in this gh, realised that i could only see the demonstration.

Thank you!

Thanks Igor, I don't know how I could missed this!Found at the bone yard:

thank you very interesting

Hello Mohamed, I have the same question.  Did you find the method to generate the forms you posted pictures of?

Thank you Tom, Looks great, 

the mathematics looks amazing

do u have references for other similar/different shapes

Thanks Tom, that was easy to get working.  What I realize now is that, for the artistic forms I am interested in, I probably want more free form capability than strict mathematical minimality.  Something like the mesh relaxation shown in the video

However Kangaroo has changed since then and I'm finding it difficult to know what components and plug-ins to use to do this.  Can you give me a hint about the easiest way to achieve mesh relaxation with anchor points?






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