
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,
Would you guys know how to select points in space from Rhino and turn it into a usable list in GH ?
Many thanks,

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I suppose usable list means you have some criteria for how you want to use them later. What is this criteria?
Hi Luis,
Yes i would like to use these points to place an ETFE-like component (i would need four identifiable points next to oneanother)...
Identifying the points would also allow me to place a triangulated polysurface/mesh from the point location (like a basic divide defintion would do)...
The only trouble is that i didn't generate these points from Gh but from Rhino which i know is making things more complicated but is sometimes unavoidable.
Using Delaunay does not help? From the tools available it is the one you can try right away to see if you get something useful. Depending on the point set it could be something very usable, or something that would need to be finessed. Otherwise you would need something to traverse the points and organize them based on your criteria.
thanks Luis,
Is there anything close to a delauney function on Grasshopper ?
Could i use such a function to recognize a point list and place a component ?
Arthur...David added Delaunay in the latest releases...find it in the Mesh tab...
Great Thanks Luis...
I didn't see this adventurous release;)






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