
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I've a problem. I'm studying this pattern composed by Hexagons. I I need that the smaller hexagons, whose centres are bounded to the vertices and midpoints of the grid, change in dimensions following the attractor curves like the bigger ones, which are bounded to the centre of the hexagons of the grid. I don't know why in this case the attractor doesn't work.

I attach the definition.

I've approched Grasshopper since a couple of months so I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you in advance!


Views: 377


Replies to This Discussion

The attractor work but the domains have a width of  0. Because data is not flatten for each domain. So a domain is set for each branch of the tree. As there is just one  value in the list domain has this value. Put a flatten on the N  of the domain and it will solve your problem.

Don't forget a tree is a sort of for. For all branches do something ... A domain need a list of data.

Thank you so much! :D






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