
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone. I am trying to get a voronoi pattern offset on a 3D piece of geometry that I created (see attached files). After successfully getting the 3D voronoi mapped onto the geometry, the offset on surface component isn't letting me offset the curves. To clarify, I don't want them to offset off the surface of the geometry itself, I want them offset to the interior so I could create apertures using the voronoi pattern. My first guess would be this is because the curves are non-planar, but how do I work around this?

Thanks in advance!

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One thing I would recommend is trying to lay out the voronoi pattern in 2d, then offset the curves (and do whatever else you need to) and then use the surface mapper component to map the 2d voronoi pattern(s) to each of your Brep's surfaces.

Alternatively, if you want to get it to work in 3d like you have it now, you need to ensure that the tree data of each of your inputs (curves, and surfaces going into the Offset On Surface component) match up. For example, you have 5 surfaces that make up your brep, so you have 5 branches. But your curves are distributed over 150 branches, so your curves and surfaces aren't going to "match up" with each other. 

If you remapped the paths of your curves to only have 5 branches (using the path mapper for example you could do it with a mapping of A;B;C;D;E;F;G >> A;B;C;D) then your data would line up nicely.

Also, your offset distance probably needs to be negative, and shouldn't be too large or else some curves may not be able to offset successfully that much. You could actually put unique offset value for each curve based on something like it's length or size. But if you do that you need to ensure your data structure matches up!



One way to do what you want. 

The idea is to join surface so to populate one geometry and not many, and also to make Voronoi on one geometry. Also to scale up the bounding box a bit. Scale down the voronoi volumes in order to cut the brep. 

Hope it helps


Yeah this is a great approach. You will notice that if you scale all of the voronoi cells the same amount, the spacing between each voronoi curve on the surface will be irregular. But if you scale each 3d voronoi cell by some factor that is based on the size of that cell, then you can get closer to having a more regular spacing between the curves on the surface.

Yes you are right, It is also best to use a scale NU and just scale BB on X and Y and not Z. I will make some experiment with clipper and come back if it is good. 


Thank you, this worked nicely enough!






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