
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi GH Gurus, 

I am trying to subtract a series of capped Pipes from a Sweep1 Solid.  I have done this before on a simpler model and it worked correctly.  

The issue I am having is that the Pipes are not subtracting they are adding to the Sweep1 solid.

Images below, code attached.  The code requires a point at 0,0,0 to be selected from Rhino.

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I don't have much to say about that function such as sweep & boolean(especially in GH.).

You'll have to go to the McNeel discourse forum and complain about the disadvantages.

In this case, there is a workaround. You can generate more clean and evenly organized closed surface by using "Loft".


Thank you for developing a solution. This works, but it runs very slowly on my computer. I don't think it is hitting the processor hard because the fans never kick in, but it takes several seconds to up date any change. But it worked and I got my demonstration piece out in time. Thanks.


How did you change the shader and color of the preview to render-yellow?  that looks nice, I'd like to use that too.



There's the "Document Preview Settings" icon(Circle divided into left and right) on the canvas tool bar. (Upper right corner)

Hi Peter - Hyungsoo, that's happening because the (sweep) surface's normals are pointing inwards (the surface is inside-out). To fix that you could reverse the direction of the elliptical section curve before sweeping it. (Or alternatively use negative values for the ellipse's radii).

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give that a try later today. I was thinking it was something like this but didn't know how to solve it.

Hi Peter,

I added an expression to the ellipse inputs (x*-1) and it solved the issue.  The code works lighting fast too.  Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


You're welcome Peter, and thanks for making the efford to reply.

I really meant for you to reverse the ellipse (using [Flip Curve]), since the negative radii method is a bit too 'alternative', and also notice: it moves the seam to the outside of the sweep... ~:/






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