
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Just some ideas I've had for 'potential' improvements to some components

I don't know if these are actually useful ideas for other people, but I'm just going to throw them out there.

Wouldn't it be great if you could have a synced panel? Where you could plug multiple data trees into one side, and then have one unified scroll bar - so you could actually see which data points actually correspond to which? (Might be useful for debugging)

Access to more expressions in the expression designer (cot, sec, cosec, sinc) 
The possibility for the expression designer to detect which variables you have typed in and add those automatically
The ability to have multiple lines of expressions within one component, so you could have Result1, Result2, Result3, etc. all as outputs of different equations from the same component

Specifying degrees for surface construction, in tools like the surface from points component
And my curiousity just has to ask if we will see a rebuild surface component in GH2?

I suppose these are mostly minor efficiencies, but just putting them out there!

Views: 556

Replies to This Discussion

  • GH2 will have a panel with multiple aligned columns.
  • Expressions in GH2 will be plain C#, VB or Python, which means a lot of functions will be within easy reach. I'm still undecided about whether I'll automatically insert 'Math.' in front of the methods though, I think it would make expressions easier to read even if it will make it harder to copy/paste them to other types of code environments.
  • Multiple expressions -> multiple outputs, yup, good idea.
  • A lot of components will be redesigned for GH2, hopefully making settling on a stricter standard spec, while adding functionality.

Don't hold your breath though, GH2 is quite a while away.

Wow! Cheers David! Always great to hear about the updates and things coming to GH2. Really appreciate your transparency and willingness to take on users' ideas!

Hi Daniel, I have two workarounds you might like to try:

"synced panel":
"multiple functions" :

Nice workarounds! Hadn't thought about doing anything like this key that for the expressions - great idea!






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