
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone!

Im having some trouble creating lines from the vertices of a mesh to the end point of a line. I want to repeat this along the entire mesh and ultimately make a planar surface from these lines.

What Im Getting

Desired Result

To be clear, the lines go from the vertex of each face to the lifted mid point.

So the three lines that would be making the planar surface are: face boundary + line1 (from vertex to mid point) + line 2 (from the other vertex to mid point)

Thanks for any help,


Views: 398


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Something like this?


Yes! Exactly like that!

I tried to take it a step further with your definition, but I couldnt make it... I am now trying to make triangular roofs on the vertices of each triangle. But again, the same problem, I dont know how to tell grasshopper in which order to connect the dots.

I have the lines and the end points, but its a mess haha.


Something like this. DataTree are useful. 

Thank You! Can you clarify why the (0,1,2) mesh face?

It means take point n° 0, 1, 2 of the list to make one face. It is a Mesh Face parameter. I just look that you could write T{0,1,2}. I am also sure that it works with differents bracket (David Rutten made a robust code). If you look at begin/end  component there is a tree with many list with just 3 points. There are other components to make connectivity but here it is the simpliest. You could use mesh triangle and 0, 1 and 2 .






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