
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

In the following attached image, I have generated a series of circles on my subsurface, with randomly varying sizes and positioning using random sequence, dispatch and cull sequences. Likewise, I would like to do it using the shape of a square instead. And instead of a random sizes, I would only like to have 4 varying sizes, and be applied in the same way as I did for my circles. I was wondering what is the best method to set up conditional statements to customize and define my cull pattern. Anyone? Thank you for all responses in advance.

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You wish to use conditionals to control the pattern of the array of squares. Doing this in native GH is possible, but somewhat of a long and drawn out process. It is easier in GH to simple select items with 'list item' and then the inverse 'cull item' to select a specified pattern. 

Nevertheless, creating conditionals (in this case with the modulo operator) in GH's python functionality is rather simple and way less work than natively in GH. I don't usually post code responses, but in this case i thought it applicable. You can adjust the modulo values to create your desired pattern. 

hope this helps. 


I guess this is what you're looking for.

Firstly, randomise the planes and then sift through different lists. Graft to create the rectangles.

Hope it helps!






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