
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Positioning of Rectangle at Centroid of Subsurface

Hi everyone, 

In the following attached image, you would see both a circle and a square from the centroid of the subsurface. I have drawn a separate diagram and indicated on photoshop of what I intent to achieve. I tried my method of creating a square on grasshopper, however, as shown, the corner of the square rests on the centroid of the subsurface. But in my case, I want the center of my square to be on centroid of the subsurface, just like how the circles are controlled. Does anyone know how I could reconfigure the square so that it can be produced from the centroid of the subsurface? Eventually, I would want to manipulate and vary the sizes of the squares. Thanks for any response in advance !

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Check Attached, Best.


wow, brilliant. Thanks. Would you mind explaining to me how it kinda works cos I dont really understand very well some parts of it. Pardon me for these stupid questions.

You have done evaluate surface, with the point to evaluate, 0.5, 0.5, 0. Didn't really get that. 

You have also done a construct domain which takes into account of both the negative and positive values. But why?

I hope you would enlighten me. Thank you in advance once again. 

Additionally, I am exploring ways of varying the size of these squares to 4 different sizes which I have in mind. Hence, how should I vary the sizes of the squares base on the framework you have done? And if I would like to have 4 varying sizes of squares controlled by the Displace set, how should I do it?

I have tried an example on the circles for you to have an idea of how I have visualized my roof facade. Except, it shall be in squares, and only in 4 sizes. Thanks


You didn't internalise your surface geometry.


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And I was wondering if a Point attractor can be assigned to jittery to allow the bigger units to be attracted to the top but still in a randomized manner? And can Null Sequence be introduced to reduce or remove some of the shapes in the list which I dont want? I tried another panelling pattern for this roof structure, and the image will explain what I mean. 

Also, in my this diamond diagrid, it is also possible for have 4 sizes for the diagrid too while having an attractor that attracts the bigger ones to the top while being randomized at the same time?


Is it your plan to add increasingly difficult conditions and ask to someone to solve your problem?


It's not, don't misunderstand. As a beginner, I'm working hard and trying my best to figure out these conditions for my design, which I understand is complicated for myself. If only I had known everything, and I won't need to ask. I sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to help me as well as the detailed explanations. Thank you, and I'm sure this post will benefit people who wants to learn.






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