
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys, im facing difficulties aligning the circle using CIRCLE CNR with the surface normals. Is anyone able to troubleshoot the problems with my data structure? I have already tried to match it to my best effort. However, the circles are still not aligned to the normals correctly across the surface. 

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a bit of a mess ! The circle where aligned to the normals you gave (0,0,1) !!! 

You use cull pattern with a pattern made of points, it is better with a list of boolean.

Your image I suppose is used for getting the radius of circles.I changed to color brightness. But perphas you want to use color. You also used image sample with points, which have not the same domain as image. Image sampler as far as I know use X Y coordinates, but default domain are "0 to 1". I remap YX coordinate using the bound 2d. 


HI that was the main issue that i also noticed after posting. I was also able to match the datas by using a shift path component too! i have attached a grasshopper file with the updated definition. 





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