
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone!

I have created a tower that has a rectangular based pattern that has a culled pattern (mix) of these solid rectangular panels with these extruded trapezoidal openings. The problem is that these trapezoidal blocks are not perpendicular to the face. I'm using a list item component to break down the blocks to their points and create a relationship to the twisted box so that it adheres to the other adjustments I've made on the tower.

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out a way to get these trapezoidal blocks to be perpendicular to the surface so that the smaller end of the block is extruded out and the larger side is on the face of the tower.

Thank you so much for your time and effort to help me figure out this problem!



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Hi Alexandra, it will be a lot easier if you create your trapezium from a rectangle on the XYplane with its opening pointing in Z direction.

Not to mention that in this occasion I barely can see where Morph stuff fits (unless we want freaky things with that frame and/or the tower is twisted [I hate this] etc etc).

See attached.

BTW: In fact for a frame worth the name the Orient should been used instead (not to mention instance definitions blah, blah).


And this is the orthodox way to do the frame thingy (the other "orthodox" way is disabled: use it only if you are a Zaha fan [don't count on me]).


Interesting! also somewhat relates to:

Instead of creating a mass of unnecessary boxes. Simply adding varying sizes of boxes with windows around a predefined structural form.


@ Kim (fyi): no need to flatten that: the sources have the same path so they'll end up in a single branch (with that shared path):

Hi Pieter: I was thinking Peter was trying to Subtract the 1st Extruded profile from the 2nd Extruded profile, hence leaving a profile that has thickness, in that case you would need my missing Flatten.

(note to self: don't try to read Peter's mind!)

Thank you so much Peter!! This a lot more manageable than how I went about doing it. So if I wanted to fill in those open spaces with solid rectangular panels, I could approach the process in similar manner? 

Also could you explain to me the C# component? In past projects, I've used numerous cull pattern components and the random component. 

Indeed you can orient any combo (say: a group of objects) to any coordinate system. Orient means a Plane to Plane linear transformation (Morphs are NOT linear, mind). It is highly recommended to use Plane.WorldXY when making "parts" ... especially if these are used for defining instance definitions (blocks in plain English).

Notify if you need the proper/"pro" way to do that using ONE object transformed N times instead of cloning the object (the "window frame") N times: this is what the Orient component does and this is the reason that is so slow (Blocks boost performance by a factor of 100 making the def almost a "real-time" one). Note: Morph Methods work only against Geometry Base types ... thus this approach is useless when non linear transformations are in the pipe line.

Notify if you need a "variation" for twisted towers (there ... the disabled Morph component MAY serve the scope [but it's the totally wrong way to do it in real-life]).


is a rather "compact" way to "skip" randomly items from trees (whilst maintaining the structure: examine the paths ...

... AFTER the massacre to see it in action ["some" paths are MIA, he he]). The components that you've mention work on Lists.


does some things not available as native components.

And although I guess that you are a student (therefor you see things via the Academic perspective [the wrong one]) here's some notes worth mentioning for some future time:

1. A facade is NOT a collection of surfaces and/or "solids" : it's a very complex assembly of "components" either bespoke or widely available in the market. This demo combo summarizes the "common" cases (but the insulation for the opaque parts is WRONG 100%):

2. Contemporary trends (a bit of nonsense) point towards "liquid" forms. These ARE NOT made via "classic" linear systems. Very few actually can do it (I mean: do it yielding a building that doesn't leak]). Here's a totally wrong take on that matter from a very reputable Swiss facade maker:

And er ... hmm ... this :

3. Facade systems (curtain walls, that is) are classified in 4 classes: (a) the good old known humble stuff like the one shown in the first image (b) semi structural [yes], (c) structural [NO] and (d) planar frame-less systems.

4. Designing any proper facade is impossible with Rhino/GH: you'll need totally different software apps to do it - in real life - despite what most people believe/hope/wish.

5. Designing anything without a proper bottom-top approach (I.e. : first do the pistons then the engine) is the best recipe for not becoming (ever) a pro .

And ... after a couple of minutes more spend on that one:

1. Tower now can twist (therefor is a politically correct thingy [count me out, he he]). Straight from Planet Utopia comes this "affordable" curtain wall (avoid at any cost):

2. A Plan B is added because ... well ... Plan A is a "bit" passe. That said Plan B is also passe (Google: smart glass to taste the future) but is less passe, he he. That said twisted stuff soon would be passe (and ultra kitsch) as well but don't tell that to anyone else.

Moral: Long is the path (and hilly).







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