
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello people, 

I'm trying to make a plane in between two curves (offset and trimmed) and try to match it to a point attractor.

Basically I want the edge offsets the least when it is the closest to the point.

The problem I am facing is when I put the point at the centre of the shape, the plane works fine (using either loft or ruled surface component) but when I move the point to a other place the plane does not work as I wanted it to be.

I am not sure what is the problem. I have attached images of the problem and the files. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

Views: 374


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Aslan, I think you want to use BoundarySurface (Surface > Freeform tab) instead of the RuledSurface:

Hi Pieter, thank you so much! it works like a charm! 

You're welcome Aslan. I simplified the definition a bit - hope you can follow the logic I thought was logical...






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