
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

What should the corrected math notation (outlined in Blue) look like?

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Is it not abs(x)<(pi-0.1) which is a boolean instead of abs(x)-pi "boolean" - 0.1 "double" ?

I think...


replace & by and !!

-if((abs(x)<(π-0.1))and(abs(y)<(π-0.1))and(abs(z)<(π-0.1)),(2*( cos(y) + cos(z)) +2* cos(x) * cos(z))^2 - .5, -120)

I have not been able to construct this particular iso surface using a VB gh, so I thought I would give a comparable fx script a try. The K3dSurf equation shows what the Neovius Solid Shell should look like.The K3dSurf equation was simply a copy and paste into my GH script.

Just to test, direct from Millepede without remeshing I  obtain that (2 shells). Your domain is too big. You just need -Pi to Pi domain. and after removing internal mesh, welding ... smoothing and thickening 


Hi Laurent:

Thanks for your input, I did not realize the importance of -Pi and Pi. In fact its turns that the final ISO geometry for Gyroid Blob1 in K3dsurf, for values of X,Y, & Z are critical (see the blue outline, which contain  - and + values for X,Y,& Z )

Question: How do I incorporate those values into the revised GH you sent me.
Do Xres, Yres, Zres need to reflect those values in the Iso Surface Millipede comp?  (see the 2nd blue outline contained in panel), I've been scratching my head .... raw :)


Hello here is "blob"

don't forget

x<2+4 is not x<6 it it  is true/false+4 so an error in GH

don't put & but And

Hope it helps


The solution is so easy...... NOW, that I see you split the XY&Z inputs. (hitting head against wall), In time I hope I will be able to think more clearly when it comes to problem solving. Please accept an appreciative "hug" from me.






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