
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Previously I had Rhinoceros 4 and old version of Grasshopper, but I realize that Karamba is only compatible with Rhino 5 and newer Grasshopper

I just had Rhinoceros 5.1 installed. 

I tried to install Grasshopper 0.90076, but it says that "This package is not not compatible with the Rhino installer engine".

This may be a stupid question, but should I install Rhino SR1 instead?

What would be my other options for Rhino versions in order to have Grasshopper that is compatible with Karamba?

Thank you much in advance.

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You should not use old Rhino5 service releases at all, we're up to SR12 I think now and loads of bugs have been fixed. Updating to Service Releases is free and the benefits are substantial.

Thanks David for the quick response. 

Is Rhino SR1 means newer than the 5.1? 

I think I went to the shop today and they provide SR1 and 5.1 only. 

But both are newer than Rhino 4 right?

Sorry for these questions. 

I usually just use it without knowing so much updates in the versions. I looked up the internet and they not much info about it. 

There's no such thing as Rhino 5.1, we only ship integer versions of Rhino, suffixed with possible service releases. So Rhino5 was the first publicly available version that could be bought. then we released Rhino5 SR1 a bit later, and people who already had Rhino5 could upgrade for free. We're now up to Rhino5 SR12 (I think) and Grasshopper requires at least SR8.

Thanks again David. Now I get it. I have to buy at least Rhino 5 SR8 then for installing Grasshopper and Karamba. 

Since I have Grasshopper in Rhino 4, previously I thought any Rhino above Rhino 4 should be able to have Grasshopper and Karamba on it. 

If I want to update my Rhino from Rhino 4 or 5 to SR8, should I contact McNeel or there is a website to directly update that? 

I am looking for it now but most of them only provide free 90 days trial for Rhino 5 without any link for updating to SR8 or more. 

Thank you again. 

You don't have to buy Rhino5 service releases, they are free. You only have to buy Rhino5. If you buy it now, you automatically get the most recent service release, and you can update to the most recent service release for free any time. If you already own Rhino5, just upgrade:






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