
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


May I please ask for assistance on techniques to miter panels?  I've developed a set of surfaces and then extruded those surfaces along their face normal to give thickness. The issue becomes that the extrusions, dependent on the angles between extrusions, either overlap or have a gap.  This, I expected...however the solution I had in mind to this doesn't quite work.  

It involves finding the redundant points and culling those points so I have a list of them, then trying to relate them back to their respective surfaces so I may find the angle between their surface normals.

Unfortunately, I have to supply flattened data so the "create set" or "cull points" components work and now I can no longer relate the points back to their faces.  

I've attached the definition below.  I would greatly appreciate any insight, I'm sure some version of this has been solved or encountered before, and after much searching could not find anything I could extrapolate from.  

Many thanks! 

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Just wanted to pop this back to the top for a moment....

Is this a rather elementary thing I'm trying to accomplish?  I'm not sure how to approach it without the need for programming..

Thanks again!

Hello Ryan,

You could offset the first polyline, draw a line between the two kinks, extrude the line, split the two breps with the extruded surface and keep the larger ones.

But this is too much trouble and operations on breps are still a bit buggy in GH, so your best bet would be to try to go as far as possible in 2d and only extrude at the end of your definition. This means, first offset the polyline, then join the gaps between the two polylines and finally extrude the closed polyline. A very helpfull offseting (and more) plugin which can automate some of the above steps is Clipper. If you still want the two walls(?) seperated you could use surface split on the closed polyline before extruding.

cheers, Nikos

This thread is old, but the approach may still be relevant for you:






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