
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have been struggling for a couple of days with a file that is causing major hangups, often totally crashing rhino. I have tried to break up the file into different pieces trying to locate the overload but it doesn't make sense to me. I'm wondering if the following scenario should be a major deal -

I have 90-ish closed curves with filleted corners, and I am projecting them onto a surface - one which I have rebuilt a couple times thinking that maybe the surface is too complex - and I am trying to loft each pair together. Now I believe that the hang up happens even before I get to the seems any move I make, even putting a component down on the stage causes major delays. Could it be an issue with filleted corners? Could it be that there are 90 curves? Or is this just GH being buggy?

any advice would help me...I've completely wracked my brain trying to deal with this

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Lets say you have:
90 simple 4 sided filleted curves (20 pt each) = 1800 pts + 90 curve operations
Each curve projected to a surface (40-80 pt each) = 7200 pts + 1800pts + 180 curve operations

1. I would try reducing the document tolerance settings:Options:Document Properties: Units: Tolerance.

2. Alternatively, you could reduce the point count in the projected curves with a VB FitCrv: RhUtil.RhinoFitCurve(curve, degree, tolerance, angleTolerance).

3. Project original points on surface instead, create your polylines and run the filleting command on these after.

4. If its still an issue, I would head back to Rhinoscript much more suited for complex geometry sets & the commands are really well documented in the Rhinoscript help file.
thanks dirk. removed the fillets and I noticed a decent performance increase. I also tried switching to a machine running rhino 5 on a 64 bit machine with 8 gig of ram and that helped too :)

all the choices you gave are useful ones to keep in mind - but given the nature of the curves i think it makes sense to not be rebuilding them, projecting their constituent points etc etc...I should check the document's tolerance but I assume its high since I am working at large scale.

thanks again
hey dirk - related, I am finding the surface trims, coming from projected curves are leaving the resultant surfaces all mangled. Should I be changing something in this line:
a = rhutil.RhinoSplitBrepFace(y, 0, x.ToArray, doc.AbsoluteTolerance)

or in the rhino file's tolerance?
You may be talking about the render mesh (display) that is mangled?

The doc.AbsoluteTolerance is looking at your Rhino Units settings for tolerance. If you changed tolerance in the command, you need to adjust the Relative Tolerance in the Rhino Units settings to make sure this tolerance is being used rather than the Absolute.





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