
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Data offset from Delaunay surface to quad-grid


I have constructed a triangulated mesh from a bucket-load of CFD measure points (see figure underneath); the points have x, y, z coordinates, with the z coordinate being the magnitude or scalar value.

To be able to properly correlate this data with other data, I need to offset the data onto the center points of a quadratic grid and I'm at a loss here; the 'Plane Closest Point' component doesn't work as the data needs be transfered perpendicular to the quad-grid; what approach would you guys recommend? Accuracy > all.

As a bonus; if the quad grid does not match the x,y-dimensions of that of the measurement data, the quad-grid should just be valued with a 0

Good friday to you, Sirs!

Views: 837

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You also could still do this without having to make a nurbs surface, and it would run lighter...just do a mesh/ray intersection from your base quad mesh face centers to your triangulated CFD mesh.

Great's excellent practice to keep trying to answer your own question, and also great for the forum to post your findings as you go along. I've gone through your def and tried to simplify it for you to show you some tricks for both data management, as well as how to keep the processes all mesh-based. This will let your definition run a lot lighter, and allow for you to significantly increase the resolution of your analysis if you're so interested. Keep it up!







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