
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody!

I would like to create something like Maya's hair system but with Kangaroo. In details I would like to do exactly what shown in the last three images of this link:

I can't use kangaroo, I have found the manual, but I'd need more informations! Can anybody suggest me a usefull website/manual or even help me somehow?

Thank's so much!

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I believe the technique you are looking for is more commonly referred to as a "wooly paths" simulation based on the physical behavior of actual wool threads (i.e. Frei Otto experiments).

Try theses links:


Hello Laura,

Here's an updated demo of how to do this with Kangaroo.

Hope it helps.

You might also want to look at the Frei Otto book "Occupying and Connecting"


Thank you very much!!

I searched the technique "wooly paths" and I found lots of interesting things that helped me, and also the demo was really usefull!

I'd like to bake the curves after deformation, how can I stop the simulation at a precise moment?I tryed to bake when the simulation was running, but I think it's not the right way..and after bake, I have a lot of shattered curves and It's hard working on them with t-spline. I'd need a closed curves.

Thank's in advance!!

You can pause the simulation before baking by double clicking the timer.

Also - you can join the segments into polylines (using the Curves>Util>Join component) either before inputting to Kangaroo or after the output. You can even take the vertices of the polyline and use an interpolated curve to get something smoother if you prefer

Hi again!!

I'd have another question..

I'd like to create a 3D wooly paths, I saw a lot of videos that show what I want to do. So I tryed to create a simple parallel curves's system between two points grids. First of all I can't join the two definitions because my computer doesn't work and grasshopper stops.I suppose my pc is not powerful enough. So I baked some curves and than I setted them on the kangaroo definition. But it doesn't work. Curves doesn't attract each other but stretch to infinity.

Can I work only with planar curves? How can I make a wooly paths system with curves arranged in the Z?

Thank's so much in advanced!






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