ep is to understan the logics of what you want to do, in your case, build 4 point surfaces (u also need to know the right direction to build the surfaces). Then you can write an hipotetic list (by hand in a paper) of what you want. In your case the list was (0, 1, 3, 2) (2, 3, 5, 4) (4, 5, 7, 6), etc... if you can imagine building 2 lists, each one with the sequences (0, 2, 4, 6, etcc) and (1, 3, 5, 7, etc..) then you can manage with shift and graft to finally have four lists. A( 0 1 2 3 ...) B (1 3 5 etc..) C(3 5 7 etc..) D (2 4 6 etc..). And to achieve the 2 first lists, you need to get the odd and the pair numbers. The cull pattern does that amazingy well. With a pattern True-False you get de pair numbers, and with the False-True pattern you get de odd numbers.
Hope it was clear enough…
Added by Pep Tornabell at 5:32am on November 19, 2009
So to clarify, 2 out of the 5 computers are able to connect through Slingshot? And the other 3 return a timeout exception? Are all 5 of the computers able to connect with workbench?
rated by "<" symbols. Examples: "2<10", "2<4<10", "Pow(2, 1)<5*Sin(3)<10".
The entered text contains 2 or 3 segments separated by two or more consecutive dots. Examples "2..10", "2..4..10", "Pow(2, 1)....5*Sin(3)..10".
If only two segments are provided, then the initial value will be the same as the minimum value. If a bounds number or a default value is written as a simple number, then the number of decimal places will be harvested. I.e. "2..4..10" is not the same as "2..4..10.00" as the former will result in an integer slider and the latter in a slider with two decimal places.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia…
Added by David Rutten at 10:08am on February 15, 2013
is passable give different distance in list of point to delete
ex: point 1 - 30
point 2 - 20
point 3 - 10
the point all in one list
i try a lot but didn't found the way ...
he flocking to stop at 30 ft instead of it bounce back at the boundary of box.
2. Can you set the distance between the flocking line so that you can create space inside it whenever you use geometry wrapper?
3. Can you make the flocking revolve around the certain geometry, line or points?…