and I want to format as a text it so it replaces the innermost branch with a letter so {0;0;1} would read A-0-1. I am able to replace all the symbols using replace text but am no sure if there's a way to convert a number to a letter.…
Added by Ryan Whitby at 12:40pm on February 3, 2015
the curves on surface issue it's solved seting flatten to the surface control point output. Still didnt know how to group points like:
1;1, 2;2, 3;3.....
1;2, 2;3, 3;4....
1;3, 2;4, 3;5...
ts, a value for each point.This script is wrinting in C#, not C++. And of course, can be done with standard components, perhaps someone else help you with that.…
Is it like this:
If a beam is connected from nod 0 to 1 and from 1 to 4. Another from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 5.
Node 1 and 3 have the same coordinates, but are they rigidly connected or not?
another example could be:
index 3 value 6
index 4 value 6
index 5 value 6
flipped and branched:
branch 6 index 0 value 3
branch 6 index 1 value 4
branch 6 index 2 value 5
Added by Ante Ljubas at 12:50pm on October 22, 2010