
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

[uto] tools Plug-ins


[uto] tools Plug-ins

- Geco

- MeshEdit

- FlowLines


Location: Innsbruck/Austria
Members: 1133
Latest Activity: Aug 27

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for grasshooper:

Geco is a set of components which establish a live link between Rhino/Grasshopper and Autodesk Ecotect to export,evaluate and import...
MeshEdit is a set of components which extend Grasshopper's ability to manipulate meshes

FlowLines is a set of components to create 2D or 3D-Streamlines and 2D-Euqipotentiallines


for rhino:

MeshPaint is a free Rhino plugin allowing intuitive painting, as is performed with pixel images, but on multi-resolution mesh geometries. Painting can be done based on vertices or faces within a single mesh. Colorwheel, Eyedropper and Eraser functions are included in the plug-in.


before you can download you have to login to our google group to access the download-area

please support us

link to google group

link to utotoolswiki

link to ExampleFiles Geco

link to ExampleFiles flowL


Brian Ringley of NYCCTfab added geco and meshedit on the website


Creative Commons License
geco by [uto] is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Discussion Forum

example files flowL 3 Replies

Started by to]. Last reply by to] Aug 19, 2011.

FlowL - User Problems

Started by to]. Last reply by Charles Aweida Sep 23, 2011.

MeshEdit - UserProblems 29 Replies

Started by to]. Last reply by Tim Devine Feb 6, 2017.

Geco - UserProblems 297 Replies

Started by to]. Last reply by Chiara Apr 10, 2016.

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Comment by Daniel Piker on June 28, 2017 at 8:13am

Great news! Thanks for this new release - tetrahedralization rocks :)

Comment by to] on June 25, 2017 at 10:47am

Dear Meshedit user,

There is finally a new release available.
Due to requests we added again Mesh Area and Mesh Volume which is also included in David Ruttens components but this is only for meshes and speeds up the process a bit.

In addition we added 5 more components for Triangulation which are based on MIConvexHull by David Sehnal, Matthew Campbell.

  • Convex Hull Points 2D/3D
  • Convex Hull (Mesh/Plankton Mesh)
  • Delaunay
  • Delaunay Tetrahedron (Polyline/Plankton Mesh)
  • Voronoi (Polyline/Plankton Mesh)

The components include the options to output a PlanktonMesh (developed by Daniel Piker and Will Pearson which implement the half-edge data structure for polygon meshes)

Comment by macuso on June 4, 2017 at 3:32pm

Seems that "MeshArea" object is missing from "MeshEdit Components" in version Please can you upload a newer version of MeshEdit who is including also the MeshArea object. Thank you.

Comment by Manuel Muehlbauer on July 28, 2015 at 7:27pm

You announced a new version of MeshEdit quite a while ago. When will it be ready to use. If I can be of any help testing the software, let me know.

Comment by to] on March 23, 2015 at 2:41pm


ecotect will not disappear it will just not updated anymore.

your version will still work.

There will be different solution coming up in the future

Comment by dalec on March 23, 2015 at 1:17am

Thank you for your answer, but actually I like working with Geco, but now since ecotect will not be available anymore, I do not know how to proceed. 

Comment by to] on March 22, 2015 at 11:02am

@ Esraa Esmail Abdelaziz:

geco is available and will be accessible for free also in the future.

we only update the file every year if there have been any reported issues.

@ dalec:

There are no plans from our site to write components for revit as there are already comprehensive once as grevit or similar.

Keep also in mind that revit is a BIM software and is not a sustainable design software.

For this I would guide you more into direction of honeybee and energy plus or diva if you look for a substitute.

Comment by dalec on March 20, 2015 at 4:36am


Now by merging Ecotect functions into Revit, are there any possibilities to have a component that works like Geco but to link grasshopper with revit for simulation and energetic analyse??

Thank you and regards

Comment by Esraa Esmail Abdelaziz on March 12, 2015 at 8:39am

Does that mean Geco has stopped in 2015 ??
Geco didn't work with me in the latest grasshopper version. Any help please! 


Comment by Martin van Oene on February 18, 2015 at 7:17am

Hi Uto,

Thaks for sharing Geco.

I've istalled Geco and it works, however I stil get this message that there is something wrong.

Everything seems to be at the wright place and is unblocked and installed the latest version of everything needed to run the programm.



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