
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am trying to subdivide a planar surface using an uneven subdivision based on a graph mapper, but am trying to see whether it's possible to have the subdivision be affected by more than one mapper in the u direction.

Maybe the graph mapper is the wrong way at it but what I'm basically trying to get are multiple gradients along the surface - not only one as shown.

Does anyone have any idea or examples on how to do this?



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I'm not sure I quite understand what you're getting at...from your image it looks like you're feeding one mapper into the U division and another into the V division (although the V division isn't set to split at all).  Is your goal to make the V divide along the lower graph mapper?  Or to have some sort of additional splitting information embedded along the U?

Your description is pretty unspecific to me.

You can apply two transfer funtions by routing the result of one GraphMapper through another one.

If you want to devide the same surface by two independent Graphs, just connect the result of both to the same Domain².

btw.: it's alwasy better to help with files rather than screenshots...

sorry about that - i'm still learning... :-\

i basically need the division to create several gradients along the surface - kind of like the attached image.



Ok so since you will have a fixed amount of bands and need a separate Mapper for each, why don't you just split the surface into equal bands and then separate them into the Mappers?

good idea, thanks. i'll try that.

another quick question - how can i set a minimum and maximum distance between the divisions?

That's pretty hard with GraphMapper alone since distance between division is represented by the graphs slope. 

Also min and max would depend on how many division there are and how long your strips would be. Like with a 1m strip 5 divisions with a min of 0.3m wouldn't work, same for a max of 0.1m...





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