
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there any way to set the output type hover icon, (not sure of the proper name), for a python component?

Native Grasshopper component example:

I couldn't find anything on the forums, but perhaps I was searching the wrong name.

Python component Example:

I would like to set the icon to the proper geometry type icon.  

Any ideas?

Views: 714

Replies to This Discussion

No - this cannot be done as far as I know. The popup including the icon is a property of each input/output param object belonging to the component - and it should not generally be changed from inside a solution. What exactly are you trying to achieve? If it's just about legibility of your component to others, you might try wrapping the python script in a cluster - if you create proper params (Mesh, etc) for all of the inputs/outputs before clustering, the popups/type descriptions/icons will be visible from outside the cluster.

Andrew, thank you for the speedy reply!

This was purely for legibility reasons.  The functionality is part of a exercise I was trying. The cluster option works perfectly.

Thanks again!





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