
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,


I have a question about the Weaverbird Picture Frame node. I intended to use the list of results coming from Ladybird radiation analysis as distance input of frames. However, the Weaverbird Picture frame do not give the correct result that I aimed. According to the data, low values (blue parts) are expected to result in thin frames; while high values (red and orange parts)to result thicker frames. Despite trying simple models to analyse the structure of Weaverbird’s Frame node, I was not able to find a formula to manipulate the data in order to receive the correct configuration.

What should I do to have the best results, any idea?



My models in Rhino and Grasshopper are below. I used Chicago O’hare epw file in Ladybug radiation analysis.


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here is an answer that has already been presented on this site, but surely not easy to find. The trick is to scale by face, so I calculate mean value by face knowing values on vertices. And after that there is a scale of the face (polygon). Hope it helps ! Try also to internalise data, and send just your problem, no need of Ladybug, Epw ... to solve your problem.


Mesh+ Frame+0 seems also a possibility (more simple ?)

Dear Mr. Delrieu,

Thank you very much for your response and suggestions. I appreciated it. It is a great solution to handle the data through the faces and vertices; however I am still having the problem of thick frames in blue parts that could be seen in the attached jpeg image. Is there any point I am missing? I would like to hear if you have further suggestions?

Thank you,

I think I made an error, your values are per faces and not by points. so no need of much of the stuff



Thank you for the update. This method works well.

Hello Mr. Delrieu,

I have tried to apply your method to my panel wall. Unfortunately, I was not able to succeed. I also could not match the mesh grid with the panel grid. Is there a way to generate panels according to the values of Ladybug?

Thank you.


My Grasshopper file



Why don't you use your mesh data directly instead of paneling tool data?


Dear Mr. Kim,

Thank you very much for your response and solution. I appreciated it. That is the result I was after.





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