
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

helo..i am a newbie for GH.. i want to make a model like this example  picture in GH and fabricating it with lasercut..

i've tried to making a model..but i have some trouble to make the flat surface hexagonal tiling on the surface...

my definition just succeed to make hexagon tiling on surface as polylines and not all of the hex tile can coverted into surfaces by planar surface.. 

if any of you have any's very precious for me..

hopely this GH definiton can be helpful to understand my problem..i use rhino 4 sr9 with grasshopper 0.8.0066

thank you..

best regards...

Views: 1682


Replies to This Discussion


Hi Adin,

Tiling your surface with convex planar hexagons in a watertight way is mathematically impossible, because it has regions of negative Gaussian curvature.

So you have a few options  - allow some gaps, or overlaps, include some non hexagonal faces(eg replacing the vertices with triangles), or (and I think most interestingly) - use some concave hexagons. See this discussion

P.S. The hexagons in your photo are not flat.  They have visible curvature.

P.P.S. For your project example the hexagons are unrolled for cutting.

P.P.P.S. This is my 1000 post! (But who's counting...)

Congratulations taz!!!  ^^

Hi Adin!!!... how are you???...

I'm trying to do the same thing... but I have the same problem...

Can you solve the problem????... how???... 





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