
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi there
I know this had some discussion in the past, but is there any new info on when python will be reintegrated w/ grasshopper?

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Well, the Python implementation in grasshopper was more because Steve Baer "threw" it in there than David working on it. Steve has been working on getting Python (IronPython specifically) into v5, which seams to be coming along. There's no word from David or Steve as to when/if this will make its way back into Grasshopper. In the meantime I would invite you to do some Python coding within v5. That will at least get you going. The more python coding that's going on in Rhino as a whole, the more likely it will make its way into GH.
Hi everyone,

I am quite new to Grasshopper and like a lot the interface but scripting in vb is awful and I don´t know any C#! I hope GH will be implemented for Python, as many other 3D software ...
In the meantime I will do my scripting in version 5.

Any particular reason why VB is awful?
Just put Python code side by side with VB code....

For me the reason would be: Python is readable and understandable almost at first sight and VB isn't (for someone who is not used to them, I mean). Python is very powerful and known to have a fairly simple syntax.
...and it's open source, cross-platform.

maya allows scripting in python; it's a good move to integrate it in version 5-- and just makes sense to put it (back) into GH.
I don't think those are reasons why VB is awful though just reasons why python is more friendly. You could put VB next to Perl and say the same thing that VB is much more readable. And where do C style languages fit into the "awful" scale. Keep in mind that there are some programmers that HATE python because of how its syntax is structured. In other words I don't think syntax alone is a reason to discount a language...but it can be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

For the record, I like python quite a bit. I'm a little bit disappointed that I haven't been able to use it as much as I'd like.






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