
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

There's a closest point method, but is there a farthest point method?

I'm just trying to develop a pattern that will give me a plane or even a bounding box that is rotated to the longest axis of the geometry, in my case a curve. I thought I could do this by getting the point furthest away from the curve's centroid along its length. then I could roate or draw or whatever using that point as an axis.

Just wondering if there's a way to get this point without adding points from the curve and then sorting....

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm looking for this also!

There are some suggestions here:

There's no furthest point for every type of geometry. It's easy to determine it for lines, pointclouds and boxes, not so easy for curves, surfaces and breps. (Meshes are easy, because the furthest point is always at a vertex, so you can treat meshes as pointclouds).

When dealing with curves one thing you can do is invert the curve around your search point, so the bits that were closest are now furthest away and vice versa. You can then resort to regular closest-point. This is a pretty long road to walk though and it's bound to be really slow if you need to do it a lot of times.





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