
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Lots of GUI talk here lately, so here's one: If there could be some method of cut/copying, and then pasting into the current window on the canvas (as opposed to immediate vicinity of the original cut/copy). If we desire ctrl-V to function as is, then maybe ctrl-alt-V or ctrl-shift-V would paste into current window?

Right now, I'll zoom out until components are very small, click-drag on the biggest visible component, and then let go and right-click-pan until component almost off screen, then repeat as necessary. But many times I'll click wrong and resize components or change a slider value or deselect.

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in the meantime, I usually start the drag, then mousewheel out, mousewheel in on the other location and then release the object. Not ideal though.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Ahh. That works better than my microscopic click drag.
What would be nice would be if dragging towards the edge would actually pan automatically. That way there's no crazy mouse-click jumbling.
spacemouse support could also help here ;-)
since you can grab and hold a bunch of components with the mouse and zoom/pan with the other hand. works great in rhino already.
Yes... As long as it doesn't go all superfast like in photoshop.





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