
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can somebody explain how to define UNROLL Command is Grasshopper ?? Example : to unroll surfaces
Thanks for the replies !!

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No unroll sorry. This function is not available yet. I don't know when it will be. You may be able to use Kangaroo (I'm not sure), but it won't be similar to the Unroll in Rhino.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thank you really much. I tried to make with xform tools but could not completed it. Where can i ger kangoroo
Here is Kangaroo but it definitely doesn't do unroll:

Here are some people who have played around with unrolling geometry but so far the applications have been fairly limited:
Your post got me thinking, so I took a stab at it myself. I just posted the files on my blog; take a look and see if it does what you're looking for. It works well for portions of cones, and I haven't tested it a whole lot further than that.

Thank you really much. Great help.
the orient component will get you there for single faces, for more than that you will have to measure the angles between face normals, etc...





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