
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper 0.6.0018 is now available for download.
This will be the last release for a while, I'll be at Siggraph all next week and in the Seattle office after August 20th. I will not be reachable before then.

This release features a crash bug fix reported by Daniel regarding null entries in Expression editors. It also has a SimplifyCurve component and the first stab at a timer object. The timer object UI is still a bit cluncky, please read the help-topic before using it.

EXE installer
ZIP installer


David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates

Views: 1809

Replies to This Discussion

A quick test seems to work. Can you post the smallest example of a file in which it fails?

i reinstalled it, and this time i can't reproduce the error, but when i create just a point and click crossreference i get this message.
Just try creating a new point from coordinates component and choose crossreference.
Hi Thomas,

I just noticed the CrossReference/LongestList/ShortestList switches still cause the ASSERT dialog to pop up. You can safely ignore these messages for the time being.

thnx! lots of nice new features...
Thanks Damien. I'll be waiting for the clustering implementation. Big applauses for David.
Am I late to the party?
Although you wont see this (let the record show) thanks for the update...
Make no mistake. I'm ever watchful.
I'm finding a bug with boolean lists...
Toggling the "Invert" field and rebuilding the solution is also inverting the upstream source data.

Should toggling the "Invert" field cause a rebuild? That doesn't seem to be happening.

boolBug.ghx shows what I'm talking about.
Graft doesn't seem to be rebuilding when a boolean list is changed, even after a manual rebuild. Only reattaching the connection causes an update.

This appears to be consistently reproducible (either that or I'm going nuts).
"Toggling the "Invert" field and rebuilding the solution is also inverting the upstream source data."

Yep, that's a bug. Just fixed it. It will be available in a week or 2

Found another bug - the shiny new OctTree component crashed Rhino the second I plugged anything into it. Didn't get a chance to save the file but I was essentially just trying to give it a set of points generated by dividing a sphere-surface.
Yeah I can repeat that. Don't use the OcTree component unless you are absolutely certain that you have no coincident points.

Thanks for the report,





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