algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Time: August 10, 2009 from 9am to 7pm
Location: Boulder, Bozeman, Brooklyn, Barcelona
Website or Map: http://www.livearchitecture.n…
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: LaN | Live Architecture Network
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2009
LaN announces its second ON-SITE:Barcelona workshop with modules to be held August 10-30, 2009. In 2008, LaN’s first BCN workshop at IaaC / Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia drew participants from 12 countries to attend lectures and technical seminars furthering their understanding of digital design and fabrication in architecture. This year LaN extends the workshop with parallel intro sessions in all LAN ports–Barcelona / Boulder / Brooklyn / Bozeman (Aug 10-12). In 2009, you choose your modules.
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*please note, participants who have previously attended a LaN workshop automatically get a discount of total price.
Key Dates:
June 1, 2009: Workshop Launch - Applications Open @ 10% off price
June 19, 2009: Workshop Applications Open at 5% off
July 10, 2009: Applications open
August 7, 2009: Applications Closed
August 10-12, 2009: PHASE I - Modules [North America and Barcelona]
August 16-22, 2009: PHASE II - Modules [Barcelona @ IaaC / Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia ]
August 24-30, 2009: PHASE III - Urban Drifts Workshop [Barcelona @ IaaC / Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia]
*please note: all Rhino courses will be taught by a Rhino Certified Trainer
PHASE I: Aug 10-12
Phase I will be conducted in parallel in BARCELONA / BOULDER / BROOKLYN / BOZEMAN and are meant to familiarize participants with software and techniques. Phase I registration is inclusive of both module 1 & 2.
1. Rhino Introduction - 12hrs
2. RhinoFab: Rhino + Fabrication - 12hrs
PHASE II: Aug 17 - 22
Phase II modules will take place at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia [IaaC] in Barcelona, Spain and will deal with scripting, parametric design and fabrication provided by FabLab BCN.
3. RhinoScript - 20hrs
4. Parametric Modelling in Rhino: Grasshopper - 20hrs
5. Introduction to Digital Fabrication - 20hrs
6. Machining Processes- 20hrs
PHASE III: Aug 24-30 ‘Urban Drifts’ Workshop - 40hrs
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