algorithmic modeling for Rhino
April 5, 2014 at 6pm to June 29, 2014 at 11pm – Houston Plasticity, the quality of being able to be made into different shapes, to be molded or altered, is a quality that is pervasive in contemporary design. This idea can manifest as a material providing… Organized by TEX-FAB | Type: competition, exhibition
April 26, 2014 at 10am to May 24, 2014 at 4pm – Nottingham Trent University The course runs over five days, with a focus on modelling in the morning and rendering in the afternoon. It is aimed at product designers and architects who are interested in the generation and explo… Organized by Jason Marks | Type: training
May 3, 2014 at 10am to May 11, 2014 at 6pm – Pirandello Sprachschule InFORMed Geometries is a 4-days introduction to the tools and methods of algorithmic modeling with Grasshopper. The aim of the course is to give the partecipants the theorethical and technical knowle… Organized by Andrea Rossi, Lila PanahiKazemi, Stefano Arrighi | Type: workshop, training, grasshopper
May 9, 2014 to May 11, 2014 – Paris Superbelleville coworking in Paris is announcing its next grasshopper workshop with Andrea Graziano. Data by itself has no meaning. It fills databases. This data must be examined in order to become… Organized by Francesco Cingolani | Type: workshop
May 10, 2014 at 9am to May 24, 2014 at 6pm – Bucharest, Romania Module Grasshopper beginners course is intended for architects and designers interested in expand Rhinoceros 3D modeling skills using Grasshopper application that provides a visual programming enviro… Organized by idz arhitectura | Type: grasshopper
May 10, 2014 at 12pm to May 11, 2014 at 6pm – 2558 N. San Fernando Rd, StudioA8 SomewhereSomething is offering a 2-day introduction to Grasshopper workshop that will focus on an overview of the plug-in, geometry types, geometry construction and transformation, list and data tre… Organized by Somewhere Something | Type: workshop, los angeles
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