algorithmic modeling for Rhino
April 2, 2014 to April 5, 2014 – Tec of Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico. Two days are for educational workshops and the other two days for lectures and presentations. Presenters: Bob McNeel, CEO Robert McNeel and Associates Rajaa Issa, A rigorous approach… Organized by Jackie Nasser, 305 513 4445 | Type: workshops, /, lectures
March 1, 2014 to April 11, 2014 – Spain Grasshopper Advance course in Madrid (Spain) taught in spanish by Vicente Soler and Jose Salinas. for more information, please visit:… Organized by 24StudioLab | Type: training, curso, course, workshop
March 3, 2014 at 9am to April 23, 2014 at 12am – Madrid - Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura PRECIO: 65 euros!! Fecha límite de inscripción: 28 de enero Los cursos se impartirán desde el L3 de marzo al V23 de mayo, en jornadas de 3 horas y una duración total de 30 horas (10 semanas). Idiom… Organized by Daetsam - Delegación de alumnos ETSAM | Type: training, course, grasshopper
March 27, 2014 at 4:30pm to April 23, 2014 at 12am – Seville (SPAIN) El objetivo del taller será crear y modelar con Grasshopper (Generative Modeling) todo tipo de geometrías con diseño paramétrico para proyectos de arquitectura. Este taller prepara al alumno para dom… Organized by RENDERSFACTORY creativity training for architecture | Type: workshop
March 31, 2014 to April 8, 2014 – National Technical University of Athens Athens - CIPHER CITY :: Revolutions What would happen if a structure could transform in real‐time? AA Athens Visiting School embarks on its’ third cycle to address issues of change, adaptation and… Organized by Alexandros Kallegias | Type: generative, design, computation, digital, fabrication, interactive, kinetic, rhinoceros, grasshopper
April 2, 2014 at 9am to April 6, 2014 at 6pm – Al Majara, Dubai Marina, Dubai Parametric Design Workshop.Check out or email: for details Organized by Zayad Motlib and Andrea Graziano | Type: workshop
April 4, 2014 at 10am to April 5, 2014 at 7pm – Superbelleville coworking Cet atelier d’architecture paramétrique est conçu comme une formation d’initiation aux principe du design procedural et au plug-in de programmation visuelle Grasshopper. Ces deux journées – 5 et 6 a… Organized by Francesco Cingolani | Type: workshop
April 5, 2014 at 6pm to June 29, 2014 at 11pm – Houston Plasticity, the quality of being able to be made into different shapes, to be molded or altered, is a quality that is pervasive in contemporary design. This idea can manifest as a material providing… Organized by TEX-FAB | Type: competition, exhibition
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