algorithmic modeling for Rhino
February 15, 2012 at 4pm to March 16, 2012 at 7pm – ETSAV BarcelonaTech Multi-purpose ToolKit intensive course Organized by CODA-Office | Type: intensive, 4, day, 4h, course
February 18, 2012 at 9am to March 24, 2012 at 2pm – Universidad Iberoamericana Innovación en Sistemas Prefabricados de Concreto from CÓDIGO ABIERTO on Vimeo. Innovación en sistemas prefabricados de concreto Imparten: Rafael Barona y Pablo Kobayashi Conferencistas: Knippers… Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana | Type: workshop
March 1, 2012 at 6pm to March 29, 2012 at 10pm – Universidad Iberoamericana Programación para Procesos de Diseño from CÓDIGO ABIERTO on Vimeo. Imparte: Iván Abreu Duración: 40hrs Costo: $8000 Inicio: Jueves 1º de Marzo Conferencia Magistral: 28 de Febrero, 18:00 Horario:… Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana | Type: workshop
March 1, 2012 at 6pm to March 29, 2012 at 10pm – Universidad Iberoamericana Hermosas Incertidumbres from CÓDIGO ABIERTO on Vimeo. Hermosas Incertidumbres Programación con patrones y la estética emergente Imparte: Jorge Ramírez Invitado: Ernesto Romero Duración: 30hrs Cos… Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana | Type: workshop
March 5, 2012 to June 2, 2012 – TEXAS and San Francisco DEADLINE for Registration and Submission: JUNE 2, 2012 MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION Overview We seek research proposals that actively connect academia, the profession and the fabrication industry in… Organized by Andrew Vrana | Type: competition
March 5, 2012 at 6pm to April 23, 2012 at 9pm – Universidad Iberoamericana Rhino + Grashopper Básico from CÓDIGO ABIERTO on Vimeo. Rhinoceros y Grasshopper Básicos Introducción al modelado paramétrico Imparte: Alberto Lara Duración: 40hrs Costo: $6000 Inicio: Lunes 5 de… Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana | Type: workshop
March 7, 2012 to March 8, 2012 – PARIS XV Pré requis: Une bonne connaissance de Rhinocéros et de l'aisance avec les fonctions de bases de GrassHopper. Objectif de la formation: L'objectif est de pouvoir ensuite exploiter les fonctions avan… Organized by Phil Shapiro | Type: formation, training, paris
March 7, 2012 at 6:30pm to April 1, 2012 at 6pm – ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute The workshop “A living System” involves three partners: VitruviusFablab-ISCTE.IUL, FabLabEDP and Rhino3DPortugal. The main goal is to explore digital technologies and their contribution to solve some… Organized by Vitruvius FabLab, Rhino3Dportugal and FabLab EDP | Type: workshop
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