
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Grasshopper community,

I still need a little hand with a project of mine.

In stead of opening the individual pyramids on top, I want them to open in the bottom right corner (with the planes remaining attached to the dia-grid).

Here's what I want to achieve:

I do already have part of the solution, thanks to Chris Hanley, but I can't figure out how to integrate it into the main expression of the diagrid and the pyramid population.

I've included both in the attached Grasshopper file and would be glad if somebody could point me into the right direction.

The edge opening expression only includes two faces (surfaces), but I want to keep all four pyramid faces, with the bottom right two being movable along the edge of their dia-grid section.

Any ideas?

Views: 1430


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Hey, this works fine


Thank you very much. :)

How do I change the direction of the opening surfaces so that they open like I've shown in the diagramm above?

If I change the strings to "1, 0, 0, 1" the right faces open, but I want them to open starting from the same edge. The lower face is a mirrored version of the upper face, the axis being the edge connecting both.

You just need to change a few connections


Hey, thank you so much for your help.


I am trying to do sort of the same thing as your first part of the script, with the opened pyramids.

I am using a planar surface, and thanks to your post I managed to solve most of my issues. 

My problem is I want to base the size of my diamond grid on attractor points (closer to the attractor-larger pyramids), and everything I try crashes my file, which means I do it completely wrong.

Any chance you can help me?


Hey, take a look at my finished script. It's not perfect, since I was pretty new to Grasshopper, when I created it. It works perfectly and should point you in the right direction. Mine is not attractor based, though and you need Weaverbird for it to run correctly.


thank you marc... I don't know if its exactly what I want but it sure is helpful!

Do you just want to increase/decrease the pyramid height with attractor point?





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