
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to make a counter reset when it reaches its maximum.
But i cant put a recursive loop to get to know when the maximum is reached.
I bypassed the recursive restriction using a udp listener but i know this not a good solution, as the timer is constraining the clic time limit.

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Can't help you with non-native plugins, but I suspect there are more conventional ways of accomplishing your ultimate goal, whatever that is?

Surely there are other ways to achieve this.

So the setup is :

There is a list of data '0', '1', '2' that is assigned to a stream filter with 3 inputs (0, 1, 2).

I have button, when clicked it increments a counter that goes from 0 to 2 and then output the value contained.

The problem is that when the counter reaches a value > 2. it breaks the stream filter.

I wanted to reset the counter when the counter gets to the maximum domain value.

Maybe i can achieve this with the original GH counter?

Yes, surely there are other ways to achieve this.

You can use the 'Modulous (Mod)' function to limit the range of values from a 'Series' component.

Or utilize the "wrap" nature of 'List Item'.  Super basic!

Gr8! i'll work on that






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