
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, I am quite new to grasshopper, learned with online tutorials all by myself, already found a lot of useful stuff in this forum :)

First of all, please be indulgent with my (mis)use of specific vocabulary, since english is not my mother tongue...

I have reached most of my goals, but still facing one problem : I would like to adapt my weaving pattern to a diagrid.

So far, I used this tutorial : as a base for weaving, wich I have adapted to my precise needs : developable strips with a reduced and controllable space between each, and points in the middle of intersection area - that is why i used the curves by series of three. So far, for the second direction, I use a second surface, identical to the first, but with U and V directions inverted un Rhino - that doesn't bother me but if you know a better way, why not.

Now, in order to have a more aestetic result, I would like these strips to be diagonals of the surface. A little bit like the work of Papermatrix : except that i need the weaving between the bands in order to work with material that have a thickness - influencing length and shape of the strips. And I want to use double curvature surfaces that are not (only) made by revolution. (guess the process is not the same)

So, I joined my own file (weaving) and two of diagrids that I found on the internet and barely modified, because I could not find how to connect that to my weaving. (I also found possible to make an eneven division of the surface, which is great, but didn't manage to make interpolated curves)

Oh, and if by any means the space between the strips could be controllable (like, narrow on one side of the surface and wide at the other), that would just be wonderful. But not my priority.

I hope I am not asking too much, and some of you will be interested in solving this brain teaser ;)

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