
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm not able to call my curve and point in order with Loft or Interpolate Curve



I try to generate a volume by drawing cross sections on a 2D canvas, and move those cross section at the right place.


So far I'm able to bring my curve at the right place.

But when I tried to create a Loft or Interpolate Curve GH do not keep the order.


When I bake my point and curve I'm able to create my Loft or Interpolate Curve in the right order


I'm sure my node can be simplify, it's my first project in GH


See attached:

My Rhino and GH files.

Jpeg with the order of my point


Thank you


Views: 949


Replies to This Discussion

Your Rhino file refers to missing files:

In general though, the problem you describe likely has a solution similar to this one:

Loft a series of curves

It uses the 'Merge' component to make explicit the sequence of curves connected to 'Loft'.

P.S.  You'll also need to 'Flatten' the list of curves being passed to 'Loft'.

Hello Joseph,


Sorry I don't understand.

Why are you using the "item' and "merge"? Those functions do not give me the order of my curve like clockwise.


Also, what do you mean by flatten the list of curves?


Thank you


'Merge' gives you an explicit way to sequence the station curves used by 'Loft'.  It's not necessary if you manage to connect the wires in the correct sequence but it's all too easy to connect them out of sequence, which wll cause 'Loft' to fail.

'Flatten' is necessary in this case because 'Loft' requires the station curves to be in a single list, not spread across multiple branches as indicated by the double dashed line between 'Crv' and 'Loft'.  Right click on 'Crv' and select 'Flatten':

Check this out - note the use of 'Merge' to explicitly define the sequence being passed to 'Loft'.

HOWEVER...  There is another factor here that is not quite as obvious.  Notice how the inputs to 'Merge' have been 'Flattened'?  It is not sufficient to 'Flatten' the output.  This happens because some of the curves have different tree/branch structures than others.  Using 'Flatten' before 'Merge' and/or 'Loft' fixes the problem, making them all the same.


Hi Joseph,


Thanks a lot for your answer that make a lot of sense now.

So here because, every curve was separate at the beginning, we don't need to Flatten the curve.


Also, I update my rhino file to remove the missing Block, do you mind to edit your first reply and remove the images on this one?


Thank again for your time





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