
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sorry for wasting your time.I read some reference books and don't know how to do, as a beginner, when meeting that the GH's version of the book is 0.6.There are many sentences which i can't translate it into newest scripts in GH,which means i will never finish the example in the book.Can you help me to solve the problem?Thank you very very much!

 the sentences in the book:

dim ptsArr as new on3dPointArray

can you help me ?thanks!!!!

Views: 313

Replies to This Discussion

On3dPointArray is a class in the Rhino_DotNET SDK. This was our first attempt at providing a .NET SDK for Rhino and although it is still available, it is no longer really supported. It will disappear sometime after Rhino6.

These days we recommend using RhinoCommon, which is the new .NET SDK. There's no 1:1 mapping between the old and new SDKs as a lot of things work very differently (otherwise what would be a the point of making a new SDK in the first place?).

There are several things you can do now that would be sort of similar to On3dPointArray, to name a few:

Which is best really depends on how you are making the data and what you need it for.

I'd recommend not following Rhino_DotNET tutorials any more, they'll confuse as much as they enlighten.


David Rutten

ok,thanks David!






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