
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Differing floor heights within a parametric tower


I'm a total beginner in Grasshopper and have been playing around with various tutorials to try and learn how to design within it.

I've created a twisty tower and even managed to separate out specific floors and move them around.

The next thing I'm looking to do is to alter the selected floors floor-to-floor height. I would also want these changes to affect the overall tower height so that my tower would have a general floor to floor of 3m but a number of other floors could have differing heights.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I've attached my gh file and a screen shot for reference.


Views: 2257


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Matt, how do you want to control the heights? Do you want to supply a list of numbers so that each floor can be controlled individually? Do you want to supply a list of integers that identify those floors that are 4 meters high instead of the default 3? Do you want the heights to be related to some measured property? Do you want to have a stacked pattern such as (4.5 meter, 3 meters, 3 meters, 3 meters, then repeat)? or...


David Rutten

I think I want to supply a list of numbers that would then allow me to control each individual floor height.

In my file I've picked out a range of floors that I'd like to change but I guess what I'm really asking is how do I single out a specific floor from my tower and alter that height separately from the others using a slider.

After a while trying to figure it out I've found a parametric solution.

The attached graphic and my example gh file show the workflow and how I've managed to keep it parametric.

Hope this helps anyone else encountering the same problem.








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