
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi   I am trying to rotate the grid 45 degree to make a base panel for the circles being attracted by the point (shown on the picture).

first, is there way to modify the given grasshopper to look like the shown sketch ?

second, also how do you increase the number of row and columns of the grid?

third, how do you add more than one attractor?

any idea?

Views: 3077


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Hyebin,

you make the grid in a very peculiar way. Why are you creating a grid, then make a surface from the points, then subdivide the surface to get a grid back?

That's easy to fix though, what I don't understand is what the rotation axis is supposed to be when the grid is angled at 45 degrees. It's not one of the grid cell edges anymore is it?


David Rutten

You'll need a fairly recent Grasshopper to open the attached file. I'm not sure if it answers your questions though.


David Rutten


Hi David

I am doing it the way (creating a grid first then making surface next...) because that's the only method I know for now... Sorry :'(   I understand I can move the circles using attractors, bake them, and place them on the building façade (see screenshot below), but I just wanted to know if it's possible to create the whole façade using Grasshopper. 

*Structure-wise, the diamond shapes are holding up the circles. I wanted to know if it is possible to create diamond grid without using a square grid, baking the parts and rotating them 45 degree...

*sqGrid component, I connected number sliders to Ex Ey inputs, but it is changing the sizes of the grid and not the numbers of rows and columns. help....



See attached.


Oh my gahd! thank you thank you thank you!






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