
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a Problem exchanging path indices of a data tree.

I have a List with three branges maybe more. Now I want to change the the tree indices from

1,2,3.... to maybe  2,4,6...

I have tried to use the Replace path component but something doesn´t work the way I thougt it should.

Maybe someone has any Idea about what Im thinking wrong?

Or any other Idea to solve the Problem?

Thank you for any help!

Views: 10991


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Nils,

quick side-note, if you just want to double-up all the numbers, you can use a Path Mapper with a mapping like:

{A;B;C} -> {A*2;B*2;C*2}

Do you still need me to look into the replace path problem?


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Hi David,

Thanks for your help! The Problem making it this way, is that the input stream is dynamic..

if the brange number changes i have to change the graph mapper manually every time.

is there a more cmfortable way to solve the Problem?

Yes, there is. Doing the doubling-up logic for a variable tree looks like this:


David Rutten

Seattle, WA


Thank you David!

It works fine! It works by series, too...

I didn´t realize to flatten the branch path component before!

I have a set of data that is like {A} with 4 pieces of data per branch. How do I change this to {A;B;C}?

What are B and C supposed to be? I mean, they have to resolve to actual numbers.

So given the tree:

{0} [0;1;2;3]

{1} [0;1;2;3]

{2} [0;1;2;3]

{3} [0;1;2;3]

What is it you're after?





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