
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am trying to use a basic attractor definition to redesign an urban neighbourhood.

how can i use my urban plot grid instead of a regular rectangular grid or similar one..

please help...


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take a look at the examples of Nudibranch..



have used a little of nudibranch last semester when we did responsive pavilions.

here instead of the points on a regular grid i need the surfaces or extrusions of these surfaces to react to particular values.

if you associate your geometry (meshes, breps, fruits , ponys whatever that is) with some point (ie its centroid,volume centroid ect) you can use the attractor values component to generate distance based values that then would directly associated with your initial geometry-ies. 

you can use this values anyeay you like, for example you can set the force value to 2*pi to denote that your values are going to be representing rotation angle values where 0 is no rotation and 2*pi is a full circle.

Hope it makes sense.


yes it does make sense..let me see if i can do this..thank you marios :)





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